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A Prayer in the Time of the Coronavirus

In the safety of your own home, join with Sir Knights of the Royal Black Institution by offering this prayer to our Heavenly Father on Sunday, April 5, 2020 at 7pm:

Almighty and ever-living God, we thank you and praise you for all your goodness to us even at times when we did not deserve such love. Forgive us our many grievous sins we pray and help us to serve you in all that we say and do. We pray Lord that you will come and heal our land and our world of the coronavirus.

We remember especially those who are currently suffering from coronavirus and those that have already lost loved ones. Lord give them your peace at this difficult time.

Give wisdom Lord we pray to all our political leaders throughout the world as they seek to provide leadership in this crisis. We thank you for the skill and dedication of all our healthcare professionals, researchers and all those that work in essential services. Lord keep them safe as they work for our protection and supply our needs.

In these dark days of uncertainty Lord, give your comfort to all those who are in distress and worry. Give them and us a real sense of peace as we all journey through these days of uncertainty by placing our trust in you as Lord of all, knowing that you have promised never to leave us or forsake us.

Heavenly Father, come now we pray, hear our prayers for this our land and our world as we look to you the Great Physician and Healer of all who put their faith and trust in you, through the redeeming work of your Son on the Cross at Calvary.

All this we ask in the name of Jesus Christ who showed compassion to the outcast, acceptance to the rejected and love to those to whom no love was shown. AMEN